Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Flat tires, good samaritans and 30 pounds!

Don't you all just love the title of my blogs?? :) Yesterday was my 2 week post op apt for my surgery. Just as I was about to get off of 131 to 196 my tire blew. At first I was in "flat tire" denial, thinking I had just hit a particularily loud rumble strip. Then, i realized my fate, that I indeed had a flat tire, in the middle of the pouring rain, not sure of whether or not we had road side assistance or not. I decided to get off the highway, and made it to downtown GR, in front of the Gerald Ford building where two friendly landscapers readily came to my assistance. I mean, it wasn't even two minutes that had passed and they came up and said they would help me change it. They then proceeded to get soaking wet laying under my car, etc to change it. I was so thankful!! I called to tell the docs office I would be late b/c of it and they were less than understanding. I got a snippy, "Just get here as soon as you can!" Whatever. The doc apt went well, I am now down 30 pounds! I am not getting enough protein though so I have been concentrating on that because apparently I am burning muscle which I don't want. Next week I can have eggs, fish, turkey and ham! Yippee!
In other news, I think we may be church shopping. I have felt this discontent for sometime now but found distractions in the good friends we have made at our current church. But, when weighing the pros and cons, there are just beginning to be too many things that have us feeling like we aren't and most importantly our children aren't able to grow and learn about God with how things are. I have tried very hard to be as involved as I can by leading small groups, organizing young adult activities, etc but I feel like its all lay people, there is no genuine interest from the people in charge to facilitate relationships. I know that the friends I have made will always be my friends because that is just how I am . Once your my friend, you can't ever get rid of me!:) So, we will see. We are just going to start out by having one of us go and leave the kids out of it until we are sure this is what we are doing. So please pray that God would reveal what He wants us to do in this situation.


Heather said...

Sue yeah for you in losing 30lbs!!

Sad to hear you may be church shopping but SO TOTALLY understand! If you have read my blog lately you'll see I feel the same way. Except more stuck b/c Jamie really is getting himself involved.

Will you still do Monday Bible Studies? We don't have to be a part of Lighthouse to do it! hope so!

Exciting to hear how people we so willing to help on such an ugly day! It's nice to know nice people still exist!

Holly said...

Congrats on the 30lbs, that's awesome!!!
As far as church shopping goes, you should try RLC. I have never felt the way I feel about it about any other church, and I've tried several around here. But, either way, good luck finding something that fits you!