Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summer 16

 We are more than half way through this!! I admit, I used to be the mom who hated summer. It meant chasing toddlers around, and never feeling like I had a moment to myself. But now, eleven years in, it means no homework, no sports, no lunches to pack, no making sure planners are is bliss! Even though I work full time, the pace of summer is a welcome reprieve from the rest of the year! The kids have a fabulous sitter name Christian who is going to be a sophomore at MSU! He is the perfect mix of laid back and fun and my kids love him. Jeff and I are plugging away at work and it is busy for both of us so the break from the rest of the stress of the year is welcomed!
I feel at peace this summer. We are on track, for the first time in years. We are in a good place in our lives and in our marriage. It doesn't seem like it's all work. Instead it seems like a comfortable routine. I love evenings spent on our deck chatting away with the kids and Jeff. The past few years were full of drama and lots of unnecessary yuck.  I realize now much of this was much of my own doing. I am so grateful for God's provision and protection. Even when I was far, far away from Him, He stood by me and I am not sure I will ever be able to fully comprehend that kind of grace. I have made and fostered some incredible relationships in the past year. I have realized that life is indeed too short for bullshit and anything that doesn't make you a better person. We spent far too long on the wrong path. I love being on a path I feel God has ordained. Life certainly isn't easy but it is hopeful.
We are slowly gearing up for fall. Hockey, soccer for both girls, travel for Caroline. Ellie trying her hand at first grade again. New routines and new adventures. We aren't quite ready for the loveliness of summer to be over just yet. We will soak up all the pool and beach days,sleeping in, hanging out and staying in our jammies all day, that we can get. For we know that just around the corner is math homework and practices and tournaments and rushing, rushing, rushing. It feels good, this place we are at, and so we will soak it all in for a little while longer. Here's hoping your summer is lovely as well!!