Thursday, January 08, 2009


I am back in the land of computers! Nick, our friend had many stuggles with this blast computer but was able to bring it back to us and for that we are very grateful!
As I type this, Jaime's little girls Makenna and Avery are over playing with Matthew. Caroline has retired for the evening:) My heart is so heavy for them. I just want to be able to fix it. I was over at thier house today and she was sharing some of her thoughts with me and I just hate to see anyone hurt like that but especially a good friend. I am praying that God would reveal himself to them in mighty ways and that they would feel peace in the midst of this awful storm.
Ironically, last weekend I was at Camp Barakel with our Youth group. It was hands down one of the most profound spiritual experiences I have had as a Christian. I was so moved by the speaker and felt the Holy Spirit moving in that sanctuary like I haven't in many, many years! I felt like God was speaking directly to me and basically the jist was.."Get off your catukus and start growing..FOLLOW me daily..I have things you need to do and your wasting your time and life.." Fast forward three days and I find out several things, one of which was the situation with Jaime and the baby, where my friends and family NEED me to be strong in all ways..but especially in my FAITH. I feel overhauled in so many ways and this week was a good one in regards to getting back on track. I have been very dedicated to prayer..sadly devasting news tends to do that to a person..I joined BSF again and am deep into the "life of Moses", I am making better choices about what I watch and listen to. I am appreciating my beautiful healthy little boy and girl even when they are being horribly naughty and stubborn..they are here,they are alive, their hearts are fully formed and beating and I cherish them even in the not so fun times.
This is week one, we will see where I am at week 56,16,226... I'd like to think I will remain steadfast, although knowing that I am likely to stumble. I am so blessed to serve a Lord who always lets me come back...

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