Friday, May 02, 2008

Who thinks like this?????

Ok people, its been awhile since I have allowed you all into the insanity that is my mind. The story starts with an update on my mom...she is seemingly fine. She has been offically off her meds for her dermatamytosis for almost a month now. She is feeling good with the exception of a few aches and pains that a nearly 60 year old would expect to have. So, yesterday she kept saying "Oww, oww my back is killing me" over and over while I spoke with her. She thought she pulled a muscle and it hurt when she breathed in. So where does my mind go.."Oh no what if she has lung cancer?" I seriously spent way too much time thinking this way. Finally I called my friend who is a PA and she assured me that unfortunately lung cancer usually doesn't have such obvious symptoms. Case study #2, Jeff went up north to his uncle's cabin with some college buddies. I asked him last night as we were laying in bed, " What if you die tommorrow?" to which he responded, humorously unphased by his psychotic wife, "That would be sad." to which I said, "Yeah, I would really miss you..don't forget to send me a sign that your ok." to which he said,"Ok, goodnight." As I drifted off into an obessive sleep I thought.."Your one strange bird!"
I think when I die I want a shoe to be on the top of my tombstone with this simple inscription.."Susan Simpson..she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop"
I really need to stop fearing and start living more!
I hope you all enjoy this randomness...


Josh Buck said...

Okay, I'm cracking up b/c I see myself in your crazy thought processes. know that you're not along.
From another "crazy" mom

Anonymous said...

Wait, you mean this is not normal? Uh oh, you do not want to be in my head... We are alike in this way so at least you are not the only "crazy" one....