Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Its October!!


When I found out I was pregnant in February, October seemed like such a far off time....its here! I went to the doctor today and she checked me, my cervix is thinned out but no dialation,so I think I am a go for next Thursday. Totally weird to know that definetly a week from Thursday that we will have a daughter! Last night as I was sleeping through another night of thunderstorms, I woke up thinking a bug was on me, its was Caroline kicking me so hard. She was going strong last night which is good because I have let my mind go to the "dark" side the last few days. I think its because my friend's baby died at 38 weeks and even though you know statistically that it most likely won't happen, when you know someone it happened to you can go there very easily. Thankfully, I put it on my prayer request at BSF and also with some prayer buddies and have been much more at ease since then. Darn, I thought I would make it without any major crying jags, but I had one of Sunday. I think it was mostly hormonal..at least that is my story and I am sticking to it.

In unrelated news, does anyone watch GREY'S ANATOMY and ER?? I can't take them being on the same night...TOO MUCH DRAMA!!! I feel drained by 11! I have been happy with both shows thus far. Tommorrow is the season premire of LOST, yipeee!! Ooops, I have to go Gilmore Girls is on soon, I know, I know I must get a life!!:)

We finally got a new camera charger so I will be posting some recent pics of the big brother to be hopefully before Caroline arrives and not to worry I won't wait too long to post baby pics, sorry Shelly no lap tops!!


Jennifer said...

Oh my Sue, I love your posts!! :) And YAY for Grey's Anatomy!!

I'm praying for you and baby Caroline!!

Carrie said...

I am there with you on Grey's Anatomy and ER on the same night! It's exhausting! But so far, pretty good! Jess is soooo excited for Lost tonight! He has been looking forward to it as much as he looks forward to watching football!
Can't wait to meet little Caroline!

Josh Buck said...

What? No laptops? We'll be anxiously awaiting the new pics of sweet baby Caroline!!! oh, and the drama of thursday night tv is out of control. I have to DVR one of them cause I can't handle them on the same night. Hee hee hee You're in my prayers. continuing to pray for peace as little caroline get closer to making her grand arrival!