Thursday, January 15, 2009


OK, so its suppose to be not me Mondays..but this was to good to wait...

I most definetly did not take a pregnancy test and it came back positive!
I can't be having a baby in September...
or can I ??

Yes, its true, anyone who knows me knows I can't keep a secret.
In all seriousness..we're happy but completly shocked and feeling ill equipped to handle another bundle. But, we know God never gives us more thatn we can handle..right!!:) Please pray that this little bundle is being perfectly knit together and that in September we would happily welcome another Simpson into the world!

Bet I shocked the stink out of most of you..huh!



Carrie said...

So much for not saying anything!! I knew you couldn't hold it's too good of news...even if it is surprising! Congrats, again!

Sarah said...

I thought you were joking - how exciting! There are going to be tons of little ones running around the church - congrats! :-)

Holly said...

I already said Congrats on Facebook, but Congrats again!! That's so awesome :)

Hummel Family said...

OH MY! OH MY! OH MY! I am definitely one of those people that you shocked the pants off of!

Congrats my friend! I promise to be praying for you, as I am sure you are still trying to process things.


Heather said...


I can totally understand the joys and scares of expecting a third!!

I'll pray the little stays healthy and is perfectly knit by the Lord!!