Thursday, February 14, 2008

The perfect valentine

Today, being that its the big Valentines day, I was struck with how when we seek God assistance, He perfectly matches us with our spouses. I started thinking about this as I was sitting amongst the couples in my small group last night. We were talking about adultery and it ended up being a pretty interesting conversation. I could never imagine cheating on Jeff. There would have to be many poor decisions made before that would happen. But, I see the importance of guarding your marriage and protecting it. Anyways, as I looked around to the couples I thought how perfect they were with each other. They compliment each other so well. I am grateful for a good husband and marriage. So many people are not nearly as fortunate.
Here are my top five reasons for being in love with my husband this Valentines day

1. His unwavering devotion to me and the kids
2. His incredible patience with me when I am downright psychotic
3. His great fiancial sense which keeps us on the right path
4. His great sense of humor that keeps me laughing on the crazy days
5. His laid back personality totally compliment my "not so laid back" tempermant
In other news, today the kids and I hosted a playgroup/Valentines day party for two of my girlfriends I hardly see. It was fun. We made pizzas, finger painted with red paint and of course played. The kids all did really well! Tommorrow we have another playdate with some GR friends who are coming to town. Then tommorrow night Jeff and I are going out to dinner. The best part is that I won a gift certificate to a local resturant so it will be free...gotta love that!

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