Monday, September 28, 2009

A five person family

Well were settling into our new world of having three children! Somedays it seems pretty easy others not so much. I have to say that overall its not been too bad. I really think the transition from one to two in less than 2 years was much more difficult for me. Also, besides being somewhat of a night owl, little Ellie is quite a laid back, easy baby so far. Matthew and Caroline continue to adjust to their new life. At this point Caroline seems to be handling it the best, while Matthew seems to struggle somedays. He seems to be king of negative attention!! Even with lots of special alone time with mommy, daddy, grandma, aunts and cousins...its been tough. I still really struggle at how to best parent that little guy. He knows so well how to get my goat, so to speak...and it can be extremly frustrating and make for some really long days. School has started and other extra curricular activitites, soccer for Matthew and dance for Caroline, which has been fun for the kids.
Ellie has had her first medical issue. As you all know, Caroline's nickname of "Squeaky" came about when she was a newborn and was always squeaking. Well, Ellie is even more squeaky and sometimes seems like its laborious. I took her to the ped and she referred us to the ENT for further testing. There are a couple of different things it could be, hopefully nothing too serious.
Well, with the basement trashed, the sink full of dishes and a baby girl that needs to be fed..this mommy better get going! Happy Fall!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Elizabeth Jane has arrived!

Well, God must have heard my prayers about wanting to have our little girl early b/c she arrived nearly three weeks early. Last Wednesday I went in for my regular apt, I had noticed the baby moving a little less than normal but I can honestly say I wasn't alarmed. He checked my amniotic fluid,which was fine and then sent me for a NST. After almost an hour on the NST, he came in and said that he wasn't happy with her heartbeat ranges. It seems she wasn't having acclerations, even though at this point her movement was back to normal. He sent me over to Labor and Delivery. I still wasnt't thinking today was the day. I called Jeff's mom and made sure she could stay with the kids. I also called my mom, who immediately went into panic mode.
After more monitoring and a u/s it was determined that she wasn't quite as happy as we would all would have liked in utero and that today would be her birthday. I can honestly say that I was never scared. I figured if they were really worried..they would take her and they did. It did seem really it wasn't my life. It kinda stunk to not have any of my a camera with me but what are you going to do?!
When they first took her out, I saw what a little peanut she was. She didn't cry as vigorously as Matthew and Caroline did, which freaked me out. But, they reassured me that she was fine. When they brought her over to me, she was just still and quite and looked like a little doll..she has the tiniest face I have ever seen! She is mellow so far..never cries. Just squeaks a little when she needs to be fed or have her diaper changed. The kids have taken to her quite nicely. Caroline really could care less but occasionally comes over and wants to hold her. The way she says "Ellie" is super cute too! Matthew loves her deeply but definetly is testing us when it comes to his behavior. He has been super naughty which has been trying. Thankfully Barb took him for the past two days to give him some one on one time. I am really trying to just remain merciful and patient with him and reassuring that we still love him even though there is a new baby in town!
I have to say that I am so in love with our little Ellie. She is so precious and with all that Sam and Jaime are enduring it makes it very hard not to just hold and love on our blessing 24-7. I find myself so overcome with thankfulness and joy at being privledged to be my children's mother. Not to say that I don't have moments where I am overwhelmed but I can honestly say that I feel better than I have in months right now. I am just thankful. Life is so very precious and nothing puts that into greater perspective than a tiny newborn.
My mom comes back next week to help out and Matthew begins school so we should be on our new schedule sooner than later. Right now,I am just holding and feeding and playing and book reading..enjoying the moment!