Today was wonderful weather..sunny and cool. Jeff and I were suppose to go to the Michigan StateU of M tailgate with a bunch of college friends, but they all day babysitter fees didn't work in the budget! So,we stayed home and enjoyed the day with the kids and did some much needed yard work. It was a nice day!
Caroline ended up not having uti after all, which is a good thing. We never quite figured out what she had. I still think it may have been a reaction to the shots. She is back to her usual self and eating and drinking like normal. I will admit ever since her apt on Monday, I have become reobsessed with her eye. I have to keep reminding myself that if it were something more serious the opthomologist would have caught it! I will feel better after our apt with the pediatric opthomologist in Januaury.
Matthew is up to his normal mischief! He is so talkative now. His new favorite phrase is "Stop that" if he dosen't like what you are doing. He also says, "What happened?" all the time and looks at you expectantly for a full explanation of what indeed happened. One cute story from Halloween week, he LOVED putting on his Buzz costume and one day I asked him where Jesus lives and he gave his usual answer, "My heart" and then I followed up with where is your heart and he said" In my postume" too cute!! He is very sweet and cuddly. He loves to snuggle in the morning. Caroline on the contray..not a snuggler at all but so cute with her curly locks of hair and her cute little buns waddling quickly as she walks/runs with some non-toy, usually the remote which is a favorite toy of hers. She says "mama,dada,no no and I swear I heard her say Matt and Buzz last week. I think she takes after her mother in the talking dept. :)
I should find out about my surgery date in a few weeks. I pray that it all goes smoothly. I feel like its not real like its not going to really happen. I started a new devotional through my Moms Bible study at church. Its a women's devotional guide to Bible. Actually, for those of you who read my blog, its written by Jean Sywersada ,I think I spelled that wrong, but I highly recommend it! She also wrote a Women of the Bible devotional that we did last year that is excellent. Very down to earth,real in her style! Love it! It facilitates excellent discussions too!
A friend of mine, who lost her baby to incompetent cervix at 22 weeks and just found out her mom has breast cancer recently emailed me about needing prayer and feeling frustrated with God. I thought she wasn't even a believer but through her words in her email I think that she is. I am planning on sending her a copy of the devotional to help her through these times and help build her faith. I also told her about some other blogs I read of other people who are going through tough times but still look to the Lord for their strength!
Tommorrow is church nursery and Pastor appreciation. It will be nice to have a night with our church family with positive things going on with all the drama that has plagued us lately!
I heard it may snow next week...yippee!