Monday, February 16, 2015


I feel like Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season came quickly this year. I just read a great article that a friend posted on Facebook about Lent. The article spoke about the importance of not only sacrificing and learning to go without, but to also look forward expectantly to the redemption of Christ. I love this time of year to  have an opportunity to spend more time prayerfully considering what my faith and Christ's sacrifice means to me. I tend to have lofty aspirations of all the ways I will change and grow throughout the days of Lent. I almost always fall short. This year, the timing of the Lenten season aligns wonderfully with my new schedule and the freedom it has brought me.  Although I work full time, I have already found that I am able to accomplish so much more with my time away from work. It is amazing what being full rested does for me. I often wake up around 5:30 a.m and I have loved having the time to enjoy a cup of coffee and usually I waste a lot of time reading blogs, checking my email or Facebook. I plan to devote this morning time by reading a devotional and simply spending time with God. I am leaving it relaxed because right now I just feel like God and I, we need to just BE with each other. I suspect if I show up, God will undoubtedly do the same and surprise me with what He wants to say to me. We've been acquaintances for awhile now, and I miss feeling that connection that daily meeting with God brings me.  My work has certainly made my thoughts of God never far from my mind. Working amongst the sick and the dying, especially when it is quick and often traumatic, brings my thoughts to the spiritual and religious aspects of life almost daily. I feel like my lack of discipline when it comes to working on my prayer and church life has only hurt me. As I have said before, God is always where He has been, right here, most likely shaking his head at this girl. Jeff and I have talked about recommitting ourselves to weekly church attendance. I would love to do a Lenten study with the kids. I want to be realistic about what is possible but not lazy or use busyness as an excuse to let these next weeks go by and end up the same person I am today.
I am hopeful and prayerful that once again redemption is mine for the taking, after all, isn't that what Easter and my faith is all about?

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