Friday, October 28, 2011

No title

I have no title. Just felt like blogging. Thanks to those of you who emailed me! I will be making it private sooner than later. It has been interesting to me as I have quit Facebook how blogs in general are getting to be annoying and problematic to me. After the blogger I mentioned in my last post deleted my comment, I was more than just a little irritated. I wanted to write back and say so many things that really in the end would do nothing that would glorify God. I am seeing this more and more in the world of blogging. Not only completely ridiculous posts of half naked bloggers, primped up kids, cats and dogs and mean, spiteful, hateful comments. All of the blogs I read have a Christian undertone. All of them proclaim to be Christian, but more often than not, their words, their lives, and certainly the comments their posts generate are negative!!!
In my quiet times I have been led to cut these blogs out of my life. It can be a struggle because what can I say, I am drawn to the drama.
Over all all this review of my computer habits has really made me evaluate my own blogging. I want to blog for three reasons:
1. To document these precious days of my little ones that will all too soon be gone.
2 To document our lives in general and how we are making it, day by day, through the grace of God.
3. To glorify God.

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