Thursday, March 22, 2007


Are you looking at the title and thinking..."What?" I joined, Curves tonight and am optimistic that it will be a good thing for me. I am optimistic for the following reasons...

1. After reading about what Josh Buck is going through to do even the simple things we take for granted I have begun to really look inward at how much I take my body for granted and abuse it. There is no guarentee that tommorrow I wouldn't have an accident and not be able to do these things!!

2. I have two small children who are incredibly active and although I don't feel out of breathe or unable to play with them now.. more energy for them would be great. Not to mention being a good role model on healthy living.

3. I feel like a big , squishy, had two c sections in less than two years, yuck about myself.

4. My body aches while sleeping and I know its from the extra lbs !
5. I don't have any current health issues but know eventually I will and that would really stink b/c I can do something about it now!

6. I want to conquer this sin once and for all in a healthy, God helping me out kind of way!!

I would kindly ask for the passing prayer that I would stick with and see results so there will be less curves to me!!:)



Holly said...
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Holly said...

Good Luck! I started on the South Beach diet yesterday. I've done it b4, but it's been a while. I don't have time to go to Curves, but I've heard good things about it!!

Jennifer said...

Good for you Sue!! I'll be praying for you:) I was thinking the other day that it has been forever since I've chatted with you and seen you!! I hope you are doing well!