Tuesday, January 16, 2007

True to God!


I am annoyed right now and feel like what I am feeling I need to express. So watch out, usually when I feel this way I sleep on it and it comes out a lot less harsh!

I am tired of not sticking up for Christ. I don't enough with my friends who aren't Christians. I think I kind of do it because I don't want to seem pushy or have arguments everytime we have conversations but the thing is that its a huge part of me and I am not going to bite my tongue anymore.

I think this is all steming from a girls weekend I have coming up in a few weekends. Its in Chicago again and will heavily involve alcohol. I am fine with being around people who drink but I hate that I care if people will judge me for not getting wasted. Maybe that is the consequence I must endure for all the crappy choices I have previously made! Lately I feel like alot of my life is living with consequences of past decisions. Like, my friends, don't get me wrong, I have some wonderful friends from my past that are strong Christians and its great having them. I also have new friends who I can talk with. But, they don't have the same past as I do so we don't have that in common.

One prime example of this in my life is that I don't share this blog with everyone. Mostly I don't to non Christians...why? This is me or isn't it. I guess that is the real question. I think for the most part it is, but sometimes its more new sue than old sue and I am afraid that old Sue friends will be like, old Sue thinks new Sue can do no wrong. I guess I will have to take that chance because new Sue is here to stay!! And believe me new Sue screws up all the time, but she is sober! :)


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