Saturday, January 13, 2007


Ok, I admit it, Caroline is colicky! I have really struggled with defining her with that but as I type this email I am thinking about the rough events of the day. She has a cold, nothing major but she's definetly uncomfortable. She has been alternating between 10-20 minute sleeping jags and then full blown screaming all day. To make matters a little more stressful, Jeff works every Saturday now doing taxes. Thankfully Jessica my niece came over and that made the day a little less crazy but when Jeff came home I was so glad to see him. I even convinced him that if we took the plies of cans in our garage back tommorrow that maybe we could get dinner out tonight! He said yes, I think he knew its been a rough week! Poor little girl!!

Now its four hours later and wouldn't you know it that little Miss Squeak has been sleeping since 4:30!! She woke up to eat and basically slept through it and me changing her into her pj's! She was laying on my lap peacefully for like an hour. Maybe she's just particular! I was watching this cheesy Lifetime movie called, "Mom at Sixteen" about a teenager who has a baby and her mom moves them to a new town and they pretend its the mom's baby and then she ends up giving him to her health teacher who struggles with infertility. TOTAL LIFETIME! But, one line in there struck me, they show the little boy at five at the end and they ask him why his birth mom is special to him and he says in a cute 5 year old voice,"Because I am the only one that has heard what my mommy's heart sounds like from the inside" I thought that was so special, sappy but special. I have been reading a book to Matthew by Barbara Kingsbury called, Let me Hold on Longer, TOTALLY BUY IT!! It talks about how life goes by so fast and you never really know when the "lasts" are happening with your kids as much as their firsts, how true! I always tear up at the end b/c it talks about the little boy growing up and going to college...Matthew always looks at me like if he could speak in sentences he would say, "Mom your a freak" :) Seriously though,great book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know ALL about colick!! If you feel like you're about to either pull your hair out or put her on the curb....give me a call!