Friday, January 20, 2006

Peer pressure

Well, tommorrow I am going to Chicago for a girls weekend! Hopefully, the weather will hold up, as of right now they are predicting 6-8 inches of snow! Yuck, quite the contrary to the 45 plus days we've been having! It should be interesting since its the first girls weekend since my decision to stop drinking. Its funny, but I am getting a glimpse of how it must feel to have a dependancy on it, yuck! The reaction people have range from shock to disgust to confusion, lots of questions. I don't advertise it simply for the fact that its not my intention to draw attention to it, it is simply something God asked me to do! In my attempts to finally live a full, all Christ living and loving life, I am doing it. I just hope that I am able to use this weekend to have fun, share a little about what God is doing in my life and not have them walk away thinking, "Freak dosen't drink anymore." Not that they would ,they are all good women and most believe in God anyways! I am really hoping its a relaxing time for my friend Julie, whose dad died last week suddenly! Jeff is staying home with Matt, hopefully he doesn't fight him at bedtime and naptime like he does to me ! Will write after Chicago!


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