Saturday, July 01, 2006

I am going to be so busy!

Hello again

Last night Jeff and I watched our friend's 4month old and I am officially panicked! Matthew was all about touching the baby, jealous when I was feeding her, constantly had to be watching. I managed to scarf down some noodles when she was playing in the exersaucer. What am I going to do?? I will figure it out that is what I will do! I think though we are going to have a rough couple of months!! Matthew loves babies, but gentle he is not. I guess she will have to be a tough cookie!! I have the worse headache today! I swear that throughout this pregnancy I have so many, must be the extra girl hormones!! I must go clean, before Mr Man wakes up!

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

Holly said...

you'll figure it out! "MOM is WOW upside down!" :)